martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Stylistic devices

Ray Bradbury uses a lot of stylistic devices in his texts, and there is an evidence of different literary devices in this novel. Some examples of these devices in the third part of the novel (Burning Bright) are: 

Metaphor: "Old Montag wanted to fly near the sun and now that he's burnt his damn wings, he wonders why." (Pg 52)  

This quote talks about a mythical creature that is a human with wings; it is a metaphor because it relates the wings with the human body, and human soul, that when it burns there is nothing anyone can do but just let it go, and move on. Also, during this part of the book, Montag's house is being burned because of the books he had hidden in it; Captain Beatty wanted to make Montag feel like a criminal and tell him that he couldn't get away that easy with stealing the books, and that what he did was wrong and even if he tried to hide it, he would still burn in the flames. 

The effect on the reader is that it helps to understand how Montag's plan to hide the books was a total fail and also helps to find out how is Captain's Beatty feeling towards the fact that one of his 'friends' has books in his house.

Allusion: "You think you can walk on water with your books." (Pg 54)

This is a reference from the New Testament in the Bible, in which Jesus has the ability of walking on water. In this quote, Beatty is telling Montag how useless are books and that he has no right to own them. He is also telling Montag that books have only brought destruction, that being surrounded by books is not good and he is not the Lord of Creation or anything like that, he is just a regular men who break the law. 

The effect on the reader is that it helps to understand how the religion is an important motif in the book and how the different Biblical references from Beatty shows that the books are not forgotten yet.

Personification: "The books leapt and dance like roasted birds, their wings ablaze with red and yellow feathers." (Pg 54)

In this example of personification, the character describes how the books burning look, and says how the sheets of paper are burning one at a time and they seem like they are dancing and while they are burning, the color change from red to yellow to ashes. Also it is making a description of how it is burning and how much time is passing, in this case it is very slow. 

The reader can understand how the paper is burning, and maybe feel like it is roasting slowly because of the description the character is making while watching the books burn. Also, how burning books in that time can mean so much to a person who likes books, and how beautiful it is to look something burn if you pay attention.

Simile: "...moving with such drifting ease that it was like a single solid cloud of black-grey smoke blown at him in silence." (Pg 55)

This quote is a simile because it compares the mechanical hound with a solid cloud of smoke that is coming towards Montag. During this part of the book Montag burned, not only the books, but Beatty too. The simile in this case is used to make a emphasis of how the mechanical hound is going to attack Montag and how he is coming as silent as a cloud towards him to attack him. 

The effect on the reader is that it helps to understand how the mechanical hound is visible but at the same time it is silent but can black out whoever gets on his way without even blinking. Also it makes this part of the book have a little mystery and makes the reader interested in the novel.

Imagery: "Now, the dry smell of hay, the motion of the waters, made him think of sleeping in fresh hay in a lonely barn away from the loud highways, behind a quiet farmhouse, and under an ancient windmill that whirred like the sound of the passing years overhead." (Pg 66)

This imagery is describing  the countryside and creates a calm environment. After Montag escapes the mechanical hound and the authorities that were looking for him, Montag is able to think clearly and imagine how a special place could be, with nature surrounding him without society censoring everything and being free. He is letting himself free from society and imagines this place as something very calm and peaceful .

This makes the reader feel calm after everything that has happened throughout the book like Montag escaping the city, the books and Beatty burning, the chasing, the fire. In this part the reader can rest from the stress of Montag running around trying to escape from the authorities. And it also helps understand how is the ideal place of the people who in that society think different.



A paradox is a statement that seems self-contradictory but expresses a possible truth. In this story there are a lot of paradox regarding the different characters. One example, is when Montag describes his bedroom as "empty", but then as "indeed empty" because Mildred is physically there, however her mind and thoughts are else where. (Pg 21) Another paradoxes found in the characters of the book are: 

Montag: He is a firemen whose job is to burn books, but he also is against that and actually likes books.

Clarisse: She is an anti-social teenager, but at the same time she is very social with the people, however for the society being that independent is anti-social.

Faber: He knows how unjust is the law and how corrupt society is, but he still follows them.

Mildred: She is alive, but she is not living her life, she is like a robot, always doing what people tell her to do and not live for herself.

Society: They are corrupt, equal and claimed to be happy without books, but at the same time they are committing suicide and murder.


In addition, the book has a lot of references of the Bible and christian believes. In the first part of the novel, Captain Beatty makes a reference towards the "Tower of Babel": "Where's your common sense? None of those books agree with each other. You've been locked up here for years with a regular damned Tower of Babel. Snap out of it! The people in those books never lived. Come on now!" (Pg 35). He is basically telling the society of   that time that no matter what amount of books they have, they would not be reading the truth and they would not be able to be successful in life because books only tell stories of someone’s life and work instead of telling the truth and being useful to help have more advance technology or something better in life; also that everyone has to be equal, and it is illegal to be different. On the other hand, Montag feels a strong connection with the Bible and thinks he needs to memorize it all in order to keep the this books at least in his mind before anyone finds out he has the only Bible left in the world and burns it. This specific book from ancient times also is important in Faber's life because he was a professor and even though he is old, he know that the Bible is more than a book and can teach many generations.

Animal and Nature imagery:

Throughout the novel, Ray Bradbury uses imagery to show an importance in nature and animals. Although animals during this time isn't something everyone has or knows, there are some "robots" with an animal form that act like real animals even if they aren't, these are the mechanical hound and the electric-eyed snake machine; the author does this in a ironic way to show how the people is obsessed with technology and ignores nature. On the other hand, nature is representing innocence and truth; it is present when Clarisse makes Montag taste the rain and when Montag escapes the city and goes to the country side where he finds a revelation in nature. "And sometimes, I tell them, I like to put my head back, like this, and let the rain fall into my mouth. It tastes just like wine. Have you ever tried it?"(Pg 10)



In the first part of the book, Montag says Clarisse is like a mirror, this means that he could see his reflection on her, like she was a part of him he never knew before. Also in the last part of the book, Granger says: "Come on now, we're going to go build a mirror-factory first and put out nothing but mirrors for the next year and take a long look in them." (Pg 76)this quote is saying that mirrors are there election of a person, and the only way to have self-understanding is to look at ourselves and then we can see clearly who we are.

The hearth and the salamander:

The hearth and the salamander is the name of the first part of the book, and it is the first symbol in the novel. The hearth is representing the fireplace or home; the salamander represents the official symbol of firemen and it is the name they give to the fire trucks. Both of them symbolize something with fire: the hearth, is the place to keep heat at home and the salamander (in ancient believes) is an animal that is flameproof and lives in fire.

The sieve and the sand:

The sieve and the sand is the second part of the book, and it is taken from Montag's childhood story when he tried to fill a sieve with sand in order to win a coin from his cousin. He uses this story to make reference to read the Bible as fast as possible to at least have something in his mind of this book nobody in that society liked. The sieve represents the human mind that seeks truth but is not able to find it yet, and the sand is Montag's desire to find the truth.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016


Throughout the novel, different themes have been introduced such as:


The novel takes place in a futuristic city of the United States, during this era books are prohibited, and there is a totalitarian government in which everything everyone does is controlled by the government. There are two main causes for the lack of books: 1. Lack of interest: in which the people pay more attention to television and radio than reading books, also since it is a place where everything is moving very fast, the people doesn’t have any time to think about anything. 2. The people who is “afraid” of books:  This kind of people doesn’t like books in any way, they just follow the law even if it means being an ignorant for the rest of their life. "We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against. So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon." (Pg 28)


Faber and Clarisse are two of the characters who are all about the knowledge that books brings and also that expierence brings no matter what the society says. Throughout the novel, Montag is constantly fighting with himself to whether choose ignorance or find a way to make knowledge something more important during this time. "There must be something in books, things we can't imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don't stay for nothing." (Pg 24)


Society during this era was against knowledge, and the only thing that mattered was that everybody was equal and those who were different were dangerous for the people. The goal of the firemen was to destroy all sources of knowledge (books) and promote sameness among the people. “If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you'll never learn.” (Pg 49)